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8 tips for stress free moving with kids and pets

There’s no denying that moving home is stressful. Boxes disappear inside the removal truck at one end and reappear at the other in random locations around your new house.

The anxiety of not finding anything can be amplified by screaming children wanting toys or something to eat. So, if you’re juggling kids, pets - or worse, both - here’s a handful of strategies to help make a move easier for everyone - especially you.

In addition, always make sure your wallet, car keys, and relevant documentation do not get caught up in the packing!

1. If possible, splurge on a good removalist. They are packing specialists who know precisely how and what to pack in each box. They’ll be at the other end to unpack and put everything where you want it. This way, you’ll keep your time free for the kids.

2. Make sure the boxes are clearly labelled with the rooms at the new place that they belong in as well as types of items they include. Place boxes in the correct rooms straight away so that you are not looking for boxes elsewhere.

3. Get the kids to pack their own special box with all their favourite toys that they can open straight away at the new house. That way, you can keep them amused on arrival with minimal distraction.

4. Unpack the kitchen first. Unpacking your plates, cups and cutlery along with your food items will allow everyone to snack, which will keep especially the kids happy and minimise hunger whining.

5. Keep pet bowls handy for food and water when you arrive and make sure you can find their lead to take them for a walk.

6. Cats can be very sensitive to change. Lock them in a bathroom with their bed, food and litter when the moving starts. Load them straight into their crate from there so they don't have to see the chaos or empty house. If moving nearby pick them up at the end of the day when the new place is somewhat set up already so they can get used to their new environment. If moving further away, lock them in a bathroom of the new house with their bed, food and litter until the home is settled and there are no people moving in and out before letting them explore their new home.

7. Explore the local area for easy dog walks in advance of moving day. A walk will ease their anxiety and confusion when you arrive.

8. If you have anxious pets, seek out pheromone scent diffusers from your vet. These give off pheromones designed to calm animals.

Try to enjoy this exciting time and don't put too much pressure on yourself to have everything set up straight away. Make sure you take a break and put your feet up in between. The boxes will still be there tomorrow and the kids won't mind camping out on mattresses.


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